The Gather Network is a ministry of ELCA Young Adults that connects young adults in cities or regions throughout the ELCA. These ministries create space for young adults to join in fellowship, worship, community, and discussion. Gather invites the group to ask challenging questions of ourselves, our faith, and our world. We hope to create these communities for young adults across race, disability, faith background, gender, sexuality, and perspective to feel welcome to meet, to be, to gather. 

Some Gather ministries connect deeply with a local campus ministry, as well.


Gather NoCo

Boulder, CO

Gather Pikes Peak

Colorado Springs, CO

Gather Denver 

Denver, CO

Gather Jax

Jacksonville, FL

The Collective

Atlanta, GA

Gather DBQ

Dubuque, IA

Gather Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, MI

Gather Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids, MI

Gather Twin Cities

Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN


Grand Forks, ND

Gather Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH

Gather Lehigh Valley

Allentown, PA

Gather Philly+

Philadelphia, PA

Gather Midlands

Columbia, SC

Gather Austin

Austin, TX

Gather Driftless

Mazomaine, WI